
Parents Can Go Back to School, Too!  

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With four children ranging in age from 10 to 17, Jamie Hart has plenty of reasons to put her education on hold. Instead, she’s already earned an associate degree from South Piedmont Community College, and now she’s back in class, earning credits needed for a bachelor’s degree in social work.“I’ve seen for myself how difficult it is to have a good career without a bachelor’s degree. That’s not what I want for my family,” she said.

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Pursuing his own education has given Neftali Obando a new sense of accomplishment, connection with his children, and optimism for his future. “I talk to a lot of people who are my age, which is 47, and they seem to have lost hope for their future. They think it’s too late for them to go back, to change their lives,” he said.“You have to believe. Anything is possible.”

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Tera Waddell has spent the majority of her adult life raising and homeschooling her children. Now, her youngest is a senior in high school, and Tera has decided it’s time to continue her own education.  “It’s my turn,” she said. “I devoted myself to my family and to my homeschooling adventure. Now it’s time for me to figure out what I’m going to do next. I’m starting this next chapter at South Piedmont.”